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Product categories: Inshore Salmon/Steel/UL


FSC ISR 662-1

$349.00 $261.75

One of our most versatile warmwater light casting rods, the ISR 662 has a fast taper for a more positive hook set and greater casting distance. The length provides better line and lure control, especially in deep water, where slack line may cost you a fish. It is a good choice for fishing minnow baits like the Long-A and Rapala, and the preferred rod for split-shotting worms and grubs. For walleye and bass, this is a good light spinnerbait and crankbait rod. It doubles nicely for a lot of light saltwater uses, too, including redfish, specks, small snapper and even permit, with more than enough power to handle the occasional lunker. 


FSC ISR 693-1

$349.00 $261.75

A fast-action, medium-light-power casting rod designed to fish bottom bounce rigs. Built with high-modulus graphite for maximum sensitivity and weight reduction, this rod also excels at fishing jigs, inline spinners and crawler harness rigs. If you find yourself in situations where you want to cast jigs to visible structure, this rod is a great choice. 


FSC ISR 694-1

$349.00 $261.75

A fast-action, medium-heavy-power casting rod designed to fish bottom bounce rigs. Built with high-modulus graphite for maximum sensitivity and weight reduction, this rod also excels at fishing jigs, inline spinners and crawler harness rigs. If you find yourself in situations where you want to cast jigs to visible structure, this rod is a great choice. 


FSC SAR 1064-2

$349.00 $261.75

length:10’6″ line: 10-30lb lure: 1-6oz pieces: 2 type: Salmon Cast action: Moderate power: Medium add’l info:


FSC SAR 1065-2

$349.00 $261.75

Designed for mooching in tidewater and ocean salmon fisheries, the SAR 1065 has a powerful tip and butt, capable of casting 3-4 ounces or mooching/trolling up to 8 ounces. Rated for up to 40-pound line, the 10-foot-plus length gives you excellent line and lure control in all trolling and mooching situations, plus helps keep the fish from the props when you get him close to the boat. It also makes a nice surf rod if you need more than one reason to buy it. 


FSC SAR 1235-2

$349.00 $261.75

length: 12'3" line: 10-20lb lure: 1/2-5oz pieces: 2 type:Salmon Cast action: Ex-Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info:


FSS SAR 1235-2

$349.00 $261.75

length: 12'3" line: 10-20lb lure: 1/2-5oz pieces: 2 type:Salmon Cast action: Ex-Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info:


FSC SAR 905-2

$349.00 $261.75

This powerful, moderate-action mooching rod handles up to 30-pound line and will troll/mooch up to 6 ounces or cast 2-3 ounces without a problem. It is an excellent rod for bobber fishing large fall Chinook near tidewater, and its oversized guides and tip-top allow extra room for a bobber stop. 


FSC SAR 9115-2

$349.00 $261.75

length: 9'11" line: 10-30lb lure: 1-6oz pieces: 2 type: Salmon Cast action: Moderate power: Med Heavy add'l info:


FSC StR 1004-2

$349.00 $261.75

length:10'0″ line: 6-17lb lure: 1/4-1/2oz pieces: 2 type: Steelhead Cast action: Ex-Fast power: Medium add'l info:


FSC StR 1065-2

$349.00 $261.75

A powerful, extra-long drift rod designed specifically for the big rivers of British Columbia. While it is basically made for float fishing, it will work equally well using standard drift gear. Its medium-heavy power rating makes it ideal for silvers and chum salmon as well. Also makes a great downrigger/planer board rod for trolling in the Great Lakes. 


FSC StR 1134-2

$349.00 $261.75

length: 11'3" line: 6-15lb lure: 3/8-5/8oz pieces: 2 type: Steelhead Cast action: Slow power: Medium add'l info: