Showing 61–72 of 113 results

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BWS MBR 733-1

$449.00 $336.75

length: 7’3″ line: 4-12lb lure: 1/8-3/8oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Spin action: Fast power: Med Light add’l info: Just when you think you’ve got everything covered, somebody invents a new technique or revives an old one. In this case, it is a little bit of both. Caroline-rigged plastic worms require a bit longer rod [...]


BWS MBR 704-1

$449.00 $336.75

length: 7’0″ line: 8-14lb lure: 3/16-1/2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Spin action: Fast power: Medium add’l info: A remarkably versatile deep-water jigging rod, this powerful rod’s 7’3” length delivers increased tip speed, longer casts and more positive hook sets. It works extremely well for Carolina-rigged worms, pitching jigs or even light-duty flipping. If weeds [...]


BWS MBR 734-1

$449.00 $336.75

length: 7’3″ line: 8-14lb lure: 3/16-1/2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Spin action: Fast power: Medium add’l info: A remarkably versatile deep-water jigging rod, this powerful rod’s 7’3” length delivers increased tip speed, longer casts and more positive hook sets. It works extremely well for Carolina-rigged worms, pitching jigs or even light-duty flipping. If weeds [...]


BWS MBR 735-1

$449.00 $336.75

length: 7’3″ line: 14-20lb lure: 1/4-3/4oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Spin action: Fast power: Med Heavy add’l info: When you fish for big bass in heavy cover, you need a rod that can move them out of the brush before they get all wrapped up. That is where this rod really shines. Heavy line, [...]


FSC CBG 7104-1

$349.00 $261.75

length: 7’10” line: 8-17lb lure: 1/2-1 1/2oz pieces: 1 type: action: Slow power: Med Heavy add’l info: When you have to resort to those big, deep-diving crankbaits to dredge up a bass or two, this is the rod you will want. It is extremely light, and sensitive enough that you can feel a big bass [...]


FSC CBR 806-1

$349.00 $261.75

length: 8’0″ line: 12-25lb lure: 1/2-1 1/2oz pieces: 1 type: Crank Bait Cast action: Moderate power: Heavy add’l info:


FSC DSR 6101-1

$349.00 $261.75



FSC HVR 763-1

$349.00 $261.75

length: 7’6″ line: 12-20lb lure: 1/2-2oz pieces: 1 type: Hover Cast action: Ex-Fast power: Med Light add’l info: Designed initially as a Hover rod for salmon and steelhead, the HVR 763 has proven to be an ideal bass rod too. This is an exceptional rod for small shallow-running crankbaits and vibrating/wiggle baits like Big O’s [...]


FSC HVR 764-1

$349.00 $261.75

length: 7’6″ line: 12-25lb lure: 1/2-3oz pieces: 1 type: Hover Cast action: Ex-Fast power: Medium add’l info: Designed initially as a Hover rod for salmon and steelhead, the HVR 764 has proven to be an ideal bass rod too. This is an awesome rod for medium deep-diving crankbaits like the smaller Fat Free Shad and [...]

$379.00 $284.25

length: 7'0" line: 12# lure: pieces: 1 type: Conventional action: power: add'l info:

$379.00 $284.25

This is a great light-line stand-up rod for species like stripers, blues and albacore. A good choice if you are going for a line-class record, it is soft enough to protect light line, yet still has the power to handle oversized fish. Considered by many to be one of the top kingfish rods in the business, it is also liked by freshwater anglers going for small to medium-sized sturgeon or catfish. Last but not least, it makes a good all-purpose rod for trolling lures with downriggers or side-planers out on the Great Lakes or the ocean. 

$379.00 $284.25

A great all-around, light-duty, offshore stand-up rod for a wide variety of species, including school-size yellowfin, bluefin and albacore. It has just the right action for “fly lining” bait, yet has plenty of lifting power to handle sailfish or small marlin. Good for casting to big cobia, too. Freshwater anglers like it for small to medium-size sturgeon and big catfish with bottom rigs. Fits the bill for stripers and bluefish as well.