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Product categories: Pelagic EFX Pro Bass


FSS ISR 766-1

$349.00 $261.75

length: 7'6" line: 12-25lb lure: 1/2-1 1/2oz pieces: 1 type: action: Fast power: Mag-H add'l info:

$495.00 $371.25

length: 7'6" line: 100# lure: pieces: 1 type: Cast action: Hybrid power: add'l info: Rail Rod 100lb

$495.00 $371.25

A 7 ½-foot rod rated for 30-pound test line, this is the field tester’s choice for offshore species and a dandy leadhead rod for winter fishing for yellowtail and white sea bass. 

$495.00 $371.25

A 7 ½-foot rod rated for 30-pound test line, but don't be fooled - it has enough stopping power for tarpon, large catfish and small grouper.