length:8’6″ line: 8-17lb lure: 3/8-1oz pieces: 2 type: Spin action: Fast power: Medium Heavy add’l info: Ideal for Steelhead and Salmon (Silver/Sockeye), will work well for spoons, floats, drifting eggs, bobber dogging smaller streams. Fast tip makes this rod a good candidate for twitching jigs as well.
length: 11’6″ line: 12-30lb lure: 2-8oz pieces: 2 type: Salmon Trolling / Down Rigger / 360 Flasher action: Fast power: Medium-Heavy add’l info: If the ultimate salmon trolling rod existed it would want to grow up and become a 360 Pro. Decades of rod design, manufacturing, and professional guiding went into the design of these [...]
This winter steelhead rod provides the extra power necessary to fish higher water conditions and swifter currents. On average, winter steelies run larger than their summer cousins, so the extra backbone is a big advantage. Rated for up to 17-pound line, the StR 865-2 is beefy enough for small Chinook, but better suited for chums, sockeyes and cohos.
Designed for winter steelhead, where you need a little more backbone due to the larger weights required to fish high water conditions, the StR 865-2 has sufficient power to fish Chinook salmon. But it is actually best suited for silvers and chums. Because it has the power to move fish and bring them boat-side without a chase, this is a good choice for both boat and bank fishing. Additionally, it is a good alternative rod for stripers, blues and other medium-size saltwater species.
This winter steelhead rod provides the extra power necessary to fish higher water conditions and swifter currents. On average, winter steelies run larger than their summer cousins, so the extra backbone is a big advantage. Rated for up to 17-pound like, the StR 865-2 is beefy enough for Chinooks, but better suited for chums, sockeyes and cohos.
Designed for winter steelhead, where you need a little more backbone due to the larger weights required to fish high water conditions, the StR 865-2 has sufficient power to fish Chinook salmon. But it is actually best suited for silvers and chums. Because it has the power to move fish and bring them boat-side without a chase, this is a good choice for both boat and bank fishing. Additionally, it is a good alternative rod for stripers, blues and other medium-size saltwater species.