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Product species: Bass
Product technique: Creature Bait


BWC Flip 767-1C

$449.00 $336.75

Flip 767-1C 7’6″ 1pc. Flip with Offset Reel Seat, full rear Black Widow Handle and Titanium Guides. No compromises here. This is a muscle rod in the flipping category. It is designed to pull big largemouth out of those heavy weed beds in Lake Minnetonka, up Minnesota way, or Florida’s Okeechobee. It is as stout [...]


BWC SWBR 808-1

$449.00 $336.75

length: 8’0″ line: 20-65lb lure: 1/2-8oz pieces: 1 type: Swim Bait Cast action: Mod-Fast power: Mag Heavy add’l info: The Edge Swimbait 808 is a great mod-fast action swimbait rod for small to medium single hook swimbaits (up to 7 inches) and hard baits up to 8 ounces. The sweet spot for this rod is [...]

$199.00 $149.25

No compromises here. This is the muscle rod in the flipping category. It is designed to pull big largemouth out of those heavy weedbeds in Lake Minnetonka, up Minnesota way, or Florida’s Okeechobbee. It is as stout as the 7-power rating suggests, able to move big bass out of the thickest cover, yet it is lighter than you can imagine, providing super sensitivity and allowing the angler to fish all day with little or no fatigue. 

$199.00 $149.25

length:7’7″ line: 12-25lb lure: 1/2-2 1/2oz pieces: 1 : Split Grip Handle type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power: Extra Heavy add’l info: Swimbaits, Big Shakey Head, Diving, Plopper, Hollow Body Frog, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Creature Bait, Big Shakey Head, 10" + Magnum Worm, Flipping Jig, Football Jig, Flutter Spoon, Umbrella Rig, Glide baits, Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Tail Spinner

$199.00 $149.25

length: 6'9" line: 15-17lb lure: 1/4-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power:  Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 9 1/2 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Swimbaits, Lipless, Diving, Buzz Bait, Hollow Body Frog, Plopper, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Big Shakey Head, Creature Bait, Fluke, Tokyo rig, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Blade Bait, Tail Spinner, Football Jig, Vibrating Jig, Walking Bait, Swim Jig, Swimbaits, Football Jig, Under Spin

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'0" line: 15-17lb lure: 1/4-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power:  Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Swimbaits, Lipless, Diving, Buzz Bait, Hollow Body Frog, Plopper, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Big Shakey Head, Creature Bait, Fluke, Tokyo rig, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Blade Bait, Tail Spinner, Football Jig, Vibrating Jig, Walking Bait, Swim Jig, Swimbaits, Football Jig, Under Spin

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'0" line: 17-25lb lure: 3/8-2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Moderate power: Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Big Shakey Head, Diving, Plopper, Hollow Body Frog, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Creature Bait, Big Shakey Head, 10" + Magnum Worm, Flipping Jig, Football Jig, Flutter Spoon, Umbrella Rig, Glide baits, Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Tail Spinner

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'11" line: 17-25lb lure: 3/8-2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Moderate power: Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 11 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Big Shakey Head, Diving, Plopper, Hollow Body Frog, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Creature Bait, Big Shakey Head, 10" + Magnum Worm, Flipping Jig, Football Jig, Flutter Spoon, Umbrella Rig, Glide baits, Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Tail Spinner

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'4" line: 15-17lb lure: 1/4-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power:  Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Swimbaits, Lipless, Diving, Buzz Bait, Hollow Body Frog, Plopper, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Big Shakey Head, Creature Bait, Fluke, Tokyo rig, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Blade Bait, Tail Spinner, Football Jig, Vibrating Jig, Walking Bait, Swim Jig, Swimbaits, Football Jig, Under Spin

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'3" line: 17-25lb lure: 3/8-2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Moderate power: Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Big Shakey Head, Diving, Plopper, Hollow Body Frog, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Creature Bait, Big Shakey Head, 10" + Magnum Worm, Flipping Jig, Football Jig, Flutter Spoon, Umbrella Rig, Glide baits, Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Tail Spinner

$199.00 $149.25

length: 7'6" line: 15-17lb lure: 1/4-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power:  Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Swimbaits, Lipless, Diving, Buzz Bait, Hollow Body Frog, Plopper, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Big Shakey Head, Creature Bait, Fluke, Tokyo rig, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Blade Bait, Tail Spinner, Football Jig, Vibrating Jig, Walking Bait, Swim Jig, Swimbaits, Football Jig, Under Spin


EFX Pro Bass


$379.00 $284.25

length: 6’9″ line: 15-17lb lure: 1/4-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power:  Med Heavy add’l info: Handle Length: 9 1/2 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Multi-Purpose, Underspin, Swimbaits, Lipless, Diving, Buzz Bait, Hollow Body Frog, Plopper, Toads, Carolina Rig, Texas Rig Worm, Big Shakey Head, [...]