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Product species: Bass

Years ago, a 9-foot 6-weight was the standard for western trout anglers. As rod materials have improved and rods have become lighters and stronger, the #6 has taken a back seat to the 5-weight. It is now the “in between” size for the transition from trout fishing to warmwater species. Capable of remarkably long casts, this rod also has the ability to make delicate presentations - especially in windy conditions where a #5 can't quite handle it. This is a good streamer rod, and it admirably casts the oversized, wind-resistant poppers, stoneflies and hoppers that are so popular on the larger streams of the high desert. It is also an excellent rod for ultralight saltwater applications on the flats, going after bonefish and small mangrove snapper.


The 9-foot 8wt is a versatile, medium-heavy outfit suited to larger flies and floating or sinking lines. It is the number one choice among saltwater anglers for flats fishing, as it is capable of handling the predominant flies used in that environment. 


Here’s a truly great rod for heavy-duty freshwater applications and light-duty saltwater use. It casts like a bullet in the wind and has the power to handle all salmon species. It is the rod of choice for flats fishing when the wind comes up, and it will pull a big redfish back to the boat in a heartbeat. Bass fly fishermen love this model because it has the power to handle the large, bulky deer hair flies and poppers so popular for taking big largemouth out of lily pads and heavy cover. When the river gets a freshet and waters rise, the steelheader turns to the #9 for heavier lines and larger flies. It is a great all-around big fish rod. 


FSC CBG 7104-1


length: 7’10” line: 8-17lb lure: 1/2-1 1/2oz pieces: 1 type: action: Slow power: Med Heavy add’l info: When you have to resort to those big, deep-diving crankbaits to dredge up a bass or two, this is the rod you will want. It is extremely light, and sensitive enough that you can feel a big bass [...]


FSC CBR 806-1


length: 8’0″ line: 12-25lb lure: 1/2-1 1/2oz pieces: 1 type: Crank Bait Cast action: Moderate power: Heavy add’l info:


FSC DSR 6101-1




FSC MBR 703-1


length: 7’0″ line: 4-12lb lure: 1/8-3/8oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power: Med Light add’l info: A good choice for fishing light to medium jigs and worms, as well as medium to large spinnerbaits. The MBR 703 was designed to fish bass, northerns, walleyes and even lake trout in certain applications. But [...]


FSC MBR 704-1


length: 7’0″ line: 8-14lb lure: 3/16-1/2oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Fast power: Medium add’l info: This is a fast-action 4-power rod, making it a good choice for most jigging applications. This includes shallow-water pitching, deep-water jigging, plastic worms and slow-rolling oversize spinnerbaits. The MBR 704 was designed for largemouth bass, but it [...]


length: 6'9" line: 12-20lb lure: 1/8-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Modified Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 9 1/2 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Toads, Buzz Bait, Lipless, Diving, Square Bill, Wake Bait, Jerk Bait, Prop Bait, Walking Bait, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Jigging Spoon, Blade Bait, Vibrating Jig, Multi-Purpose


length: 7'0" line: 12-20lb lure: 1/8-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Modified Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Toads, Buzz Bait, Lipless, Diving, Square Bill, Wake Bait, Jerk Bait, Prop Bait, Walking Bait, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Jigging Spoon, Blade Bait, Vibrating Jig, Multi-Purpose


length: 7'11" line: 12-20lb lure: 1/8-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Modified Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info: Carbon/Zentron Blend! Carbon for lifting power and sensitivity, high strain glass in tip for slower tip recovery not to interfere with the action of the lure. Application: Swimbaits, Toads, Buzz Bait, Lipless, Diving, Square Bill, Wake Bait, Jerk Bait, Prop Bait, Walking Bait, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Jigging Spoon, Blade Bait, Vibrating Jig, Multi-Purpose


length: 7'4" line: 12-20lb lure: 1/8-1oz pieces: 1 type: Mag Bass Cast action: Modified Fast power: Med Heavy add'l info: Handle Length: 10 1/2 inches (from bottom of reel seat to bottom of butt cap) Application: Swimbaits, Toads, Buzz Bait, Lipless, Diving, Square Bill, Wake Bait, Jerk Bait, Prop Bait, Walking Bait, Chatter Bait, Spinner Bait, Jigging Spoon, Blade Bait, Vibrating Jig, Multi-Purpose